Sunday, July 3, 2011

My apologies for leaving you hanging.

Hi there. For anyone who was dutifully following our progress, I apologize.  Do to the spotty internet and the hurried pace of our trip, my plan for daily updates fell away.  It was my intention to send off all my blogs as soon as I got back (already late, I know).  As it is,  no sooner did the wheels of the airplane pound down on the pavement, than I felt the weight of my responsibilities crash land on my nervous system. Funny thing about leaving your worries behind, when you return there still there! In fact, seems some silly bastards gone and watered them while I was away so they've grown.

Our biggest concern is the renovation. It's taxing our resource and if I wasn't so consumed by it I might write about it, as it's been a journey in its own right. (Just less fun than our Peruvian travels). It's a cruel task master that drives us morning to night, and we get up early! The roof is now off and the rain is falling. "Sleep, sleep is for lesser men!" He says confidently to bolster his resolve.

Build it up to break it down

Small hole in the ceiling

Well there is the excuse and now here's the solution. I can only commit to doing one blog a month right now.  At least till I finish the house or the house finishes me. I figure it's better late and regular than erratic.
I realize it falls short of the goal of following along on the journey but it might still be interesting. That is to say, we  haven't  even gotten to the good stuff yet.  Larva's burrowing into shoulders,  cuy in Cuzco, shamans in the jungle.

Topless house

Thanks again for joining us on our travels, see you at the next stop.

New attic space