We arrived 15 hours after we began, 6 hours later than we were meant to. What a horrific trip, full of delays and hwy carnage. We passed another accident, this one with vivid fatalities. I believe I’ve gotten any thoughts of a motorcycle trip through South America out of my mind. The bus terminal was hectic as hell but nothing to horrible. With the cautionary advice to take only official taxis in mind we stepped out side the terminal. Official taxis outside the door barked out to us but upon finding out our destination scoffed and refused to take us. We were puzzled but don’t possess enough Spanish to get a clear understanding of why they won’t drive into the centre of town. We figured out the only way we were getting to our hotel was to leave the relative order of the terminal compound to the absolute chaos of the street. There we had no trouble hailing a raggedy unofficial looking taxi that we were warned against. We weren’t raped, robbed or murdered, only the driver had quite a hard time finding the place, but a few circles and we found ourselves in bosom of tranquility in yet another a chaotic city. The hotel is a 300-year-old stone building with tall vaulted ceilings and volcanic stonewalls. The staff is gracious and helpful.
Hostal El Conquistador
Mercaderes 409
Telefono: 212916
Email: elconquistadorh@hotmail.com
The elevation is beginning to take its toll on us, that and the bus ride, and probably last nights dinner in Nasca. Were not feeling all that adventurous tonight. Jen and I took a tour of the Monasterio D Santa Catalina and took diner at a restaurant called Zig Zag. Traditional Andean fare spruced up to a gourmet standard with healthy eating in mind. Back to the hotel for an early night and rest.
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